Chewbacca will be in Star Wars Episode VII!

News coming direct from The Hollywood Reporter via IGN states that Peter Mayhew the actor behind everyone’s favourite Wookie and Milennium Falcon Co-Pilot is set to return in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII. Rumours had started to surface that the actor might return to the role when an upcoming appearance at Comicpalooza in Texas was cancelled due to ‘Filming Commitments’. Now with this solid confirmation we can once more get excited about seeing our favourite co-pilot back in action in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII when it hits cinemas on December 18th 2015.

With the exciting confirmation that Chewbacca is now set to return once more to the Star Wars universe this should further lend credence to the likelihood that Harrison Ford will be back to play his iconic character Han Solo. Whilst Disney and Lucasfilm have stringently kept casting news to their chests this surely gives us positive steps towards the chances of a reprisal be it in a core or supporting role. This further begs the question of will Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher also return in their classic roles?

Are you excited about this casting news? Does this bode well given that as of yet there has been no official confirmation if the core trio of actors from the original will return?
Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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