In a small announcement today from Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida the previously announced unique looking white PS4 set to come bundled with Destiny this September 9th in Europe will be getting it’s own standalone release.
Of the console Yoshida said “In Europe we’re going to launch the bundle with Destiny on September 9th. But after that, later this year, we’re going to release the standalone white PS4 as well in Europe” the news however doesn’t come with any firm release date, though if we were to speculate a festive release would make a lot of sense.
What do you think of Sony’s white PS4? We quite like the colour and with the already sleek, quality design of the console the white detailing compliments it very nicely. I’m not likely to be trading in my black PS4 for a shiny new white one on its release but I’d certainly have considered had I not yet picked up the console. How about you, are you tempted to grab the new machine?
Via: IGN
Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards