This year’s Tokyo Game Show (TGS) has been stuffed full of exciting new announcements from the big players and most interestingly Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House had quite a few bits of juicy information to share on the upcoming Playstation VR.
In an interview with Bloomberg House noted that “VR rewrites the rulebook on how you can create games”, continuing “You’re seeing a large amount of interest and work happening among smaller teams, because it’s possible to create something in VR that is very simple but still very magical.” suggesting that we can expect a very unique and tailored experience on the Playstation VR.
House continued to discuss the recently renamed ‘Playstation VR’ previously known as ‘Project Morpheus’, confirming rumours that it would be arriving in the first half of 2016 and that Sony expects to release 10 games to the platform over the course of the year. Furthermore that the
Are you excited about the Playstation VR? We’re not really sure what to expect yet but remain hopefully optimistic that Sony have the right idea about the system, though we feel that pricing it as a ‘New gaming platform’ could be detrimental even if it’s fantastic tech. Let us know what your hopes are for the Playstation VR in the comments below.
Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards
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