With the 2014-2015 TV season approaching fast rumours continued to circulate around the potential of Marvel bringing their ever popular Agent Carter character to TV in a similar vein to what was achieved with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now it’s been officially confirmed that the show is in development and will be coming next year. As such Marvel have released a brand new logo for the show and a plot synopsis to give us an idea of what to expect.

The plot synopsis certainly sounds very intriguing, suggesting that Peggy Carter will have a lot on her plate to deal with including interesting tonal points on sexism and diversity. It’s also interesting to note with the mention of the most recent Captain America movie “The Winter Soldier” and it’s huge impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe inspiring the show that it could cover the development of some of the game changing themes presented within that film.
We’re pretty excited to see what Marvel’s Agent Carter has to offer, it’s both great to see a strong female lead in Hayley Atwell getting the chance to shine and for more diversity in Marvel’s line up with there being very few female core characters within the Marvel Cinematic Universe that have a true impact. We’ve high hopes for the show and given it’s exciting setting and themes feel that it could easily surpass that of it’s effective sister show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. What do you think to Marvel’s Agent Carter are you as excited as we are about the show?
Via: IGN
Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards
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