Talking about Ghost Recon Wildlands Dominic Butler, Lead Designer on the game explained how the game focuses on your team of Ghosts attempting to destabilise a country ruled and overun by a Mexican drug cartel who are solely after it’s cocaine making resources. Set in a massively open world, with a beautiful mixture of environments, the game will challenge the way you play with a total freedom of choice to approach each mission and situation as you see fit. Check out the debut trailer below.
In a live demo of the game we see the Ghosts attempting to make a tactical extraction of an important figure within the enemy organisation. We get to see how the game’s online multiplayer components work with a team of 4 working in unison to approach the mission in multiple ways relying on each others skill sets to infiltrate an enemy base. The mission culminates in an epic car chase showing the use of vehicles and how missions can develop and expand into different types of gameplay depending on how things play out. Take a look at the full gameplay trailer below.
The game looks to be something of a mixture between The Division’s team based tactical gunplay and teamwork mixed with Ubisoft’s open world sensibilities of game’s like Assassins Creed. The game’s certainly got a lot of potential and looks set to be another exciting new franchise entry to the Tom Clancy franchise.
The game will be released on March 27th 2017.
What do you think of this new entry to the Tom Clancy franchise. We think it’s got a huge amount of potential but similarly to The Division may rely on it’s cooperative elements to give a full experience whereas single players may not get to enjoy the game to it’s fullest. Let us know your thoughts on the game below.