A lot of talk has surrounded the Bond franchise since it’s last installment Spectre, with Daniel Craig publicly announcing that he would rather “Slash my wrists” than play the character again. Given that Craig has now done four movies as the character, with what we can only assume is, as hectic a schedule as an actor might get. It’s no real surprise that Craig is reluctant as it certainly inhibits his opportunity to pursue other challenges with his career.
However, when initially discussing the potential of returning to the role Craig did state that “If I did another bond movie, it would only be for the money”. Clearly MGM were listening as they have reportedly offered the actor a huge £68 Million to film two more movies as the character. A huge sum considering his total earnings for the his current 4 outings amounts to £38 Million.
Apparently though, according to Daily Mail sources, even this sum isn’t enough to encourage the actor to return to the franchise. Further bonuses were offered such as profit shares, endorsements and co-producer credits, even with all that it seems that Daniel Craig is done with being Bond.
Whilst we can never be certain that this is a finite end for the actor in the role – who knows what lengths MGM could go to financially – it seems like a clear sign that it’s time to truly start considering who could be our next James Bond 007.
Do you think Daniel Craig is mad for turning down this huge sum of money? Or, do you understand why he’s keen to move on from the role and think it’s the right choice? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and any suggestions for the next Bond too!
Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards