The young stage actor Ray Fisher has been cast in the upcoming Batman Vs Superman movie as none other than Cyborg. The original report from Variety as highlighted by IGN notes how the character Victor Stone aka Cyborg will appear in a minor role in the movie, similar to that of Gal Gadot who has also been cast as Wonder Woman.
“Victor Stone or Cyborg, while not a major part in the Batman-Superman feature, is a member of the Justice League, and the role will become much more significant role as Warner and DC develop more films related to the Justice League universe, sources confirm.”
It’s interesting to see yet another member of the Justice League cast in the upcoming film, all signs no doubt pointing to the likelihood that we will soon be seeing more movies within a DC shared universe. Are you excited at the prospect of seeing the Justice League realised on screen, even if it’s to start as smaller insignificant roles in the upcoming Batman Vs Superman?
Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards
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