5 Indie Titles You May Have Missed Which You Definitely Shouldn’t Have
In the last 10 years, Indie game titles have been through somewhat of a transformation, so much so that it seems we are currently sitting in somewhat of a renaissance of Indie gaming. Thanks largely to the introductions of console marketplaces; the “Indie” gaming market is thriving like never before, to the point where certain indie titles are gaining as much if not more hype than some AAA releases. You have most likely already played some phenomenal Indie titles, but here’s five that you might have missed, but definitely shouldn’t have.
Firewatch (PS4)
Developed by Camp Santo; Firewatch if nothing else is a unique experience you will have never felt before and will most likely never feel again. Communication between characters is key in games that look to build a platform around the story telling, and without giving too much away; the communication between the participants in the beautiful world of Firewatch can be nothing short of compelling. While short and with an ending that can raise a few eyebrows, the simplistic nature of the setting (which is pretty much the woods, a canyon and a lake.) when added to the robust narrative creates a world that you can genuinely feel yourself becoming a part of.
Resogun (PS4, PS3, VITA)
Picture this: A uni student with a part time job saves up just enough money to buy a PS4 on midnight launch date, with it comes FIFA 14 and Killzone Shadow Fall. Upon getting the console home, said student of course wants to see this next gen machine in action, but doesn’t want to get too stuck into a game at the crazy hour of 3:00 AM. So he figures “Why not download one of the free PS Plus games just to see how it runs?” Of course this student was me, and of course this game was Resogun. Developed by HouseMarque (Honestly, they do not make bad games) Resogun is about as simple an Indie game as it gets – fly a spaceship around in a circle avoiding objects, saving humans and shooting other spaceships.
The addictive nature of this game is hard to describe; but the truly insane amount of colour, pixels and bullets that appear on screen at once make Resogun a game that is particularly hard to break away from. The bosses are challenging and the levels unique. If you are yet to play Resogun, please do so.
P.s. I stayed on it for three hours that night, I looked like a zombie for work the next day. Worth it.
Never Alone (PS4, Xbox One)
Travelling through arctic like weather conditions with a little girl doesn’t seem like the most enjoyable or stimulating experience. But adventure styled puzzle game Never Alone has a touching, insatiable charm that makes the game feel like it has a firm grip on your hand while it takes you through an array of challenges and unique story-telling aspects.
From the outside looking in, it would be easy to presume that Never Alone’s environments would be relatively blasé and generic (how much can you really do with snow?) and while for the most part; Never Alone’s environmental scope doesn’t change dramatically, the unique puzzles and requirements that are bought to every different adventure make exploring these vast areas of snow much more enjoyable than they are a chore.
Not likely to win any awards for revolutionary gameplay, but Never Alone brings with it a feeling of calm and peace, whilst at the same time keeping the senses active with some strict puzzles.
Strider (PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360)
If you’re going to be a side scrolling platformer that is also a hack and slash, then you need to be action packed, luckily enough for Strider, it is. The story is somewhat vague and you often wonder why you should care about the story of Hiryu (The main character) at all. But nonetheless, Strider takes mindless platforming and gives it an edge. The speed that the game seems to flow and gives that shot of adrenaline that is required to stay interested and focused on the several enemies on the screen all at once.
The upgrade system can be slightly tedious and there’s no fast travel, which in 2014 – when this game was released, seems pretty unacceptable, thus making a collectible run through an incredible chore. Despite all this, Strider does a great job at making you feel like a badass, the range of attacks and different ways that they can be executed that are on offer here gives a sense of control and aggression which makes Strider one of the games that could be played for 20 minutes without really having to think about anything other than pressing square fast enough.
Counter Spy (PS4, PS3, VITA)
A 2D stealth game; Counter Spy chucks you right into the middle of the cold war with the simplistic objective of: don’t let those guys fire that nuclear weapon. While this may seem like a detractor for the game, this simplistic nature is something that burns throughout the game. A no-nonsense yet intuitive art style added with an excellent soundtrack puts the player in positions where actions most certainly come with consequences.
With so many stealth games, being seen doesn’t actually mean that much. However the same cannot be said for Counter Spy, simply put; if you get spotted too many times, it’s pretty much game over. The controls aren’t always flattering and the enemy AI at times spikes from lackadaisical to overtly intelligent, but Counter Spy is a game that can be truly challenging and equally rewarding. There are genuine points in the game where pretty much every move you make matters, creating an impulsive and nail biting atmosphere that can’t be found in too many other 2D stealth games.
In a gaming world that is constantly evolving and changing shape; Indie titles seem as if they’re going to be staying for the long haul. There are some truly excellent Indie stories out there waiting to be told to you, but here were a few that you may just have missed along your way. What did we miss out? Be sure to let us know in the comments.