Marvel Ultra Villain Thanos cast!

Whilst we reported some time ago that Marvel had cast it’s Thanos for the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy, they didn’t actually reveal the name of the actor. As of today that’s all changed with the announcement that none other than Josh Brolin will be voicing the character this august in Guardians and we assume any further appearances too.

According to the report from IGN it’s likely that Brolin’s role will be minimal in Guardians of the Galaxy with the main antagonist expected to be Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser. As the Marvel cinematic universe continues to expand however it’s expected that Brolin will reprise the role. This of course seems highly likely given the rumours that Thanos will have a hand in the plot of Avengers 2 and is rumoured to be the core Villain of the Avengers 3.

What do you think to the casting? Is Brolin the right actor to voice the character that could potentially have a huge impact in changing the Marvel cinematic universe in phase 3 or is he the wrong pick? We think he’s got potential and with Brolin’s husky voice we’re expecting a deep toned Thanos when we hear him.

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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