Game Of Thrones Season 7: A Longer Wait and a Shorter Season

Rumours have been circling for some time that Game Of Thrones might well be coming back to our screens later than usual next year and in turn that showrunners Benioff and Weiss would be looking at several shorter seasons to now round out the finale of this epic show.

HBO have now confirmed that this is in fact true and Season 7 of the hit fantasy show will feature 7 episodes instead of the up to now consistent 10 per season. Further to this the show will have a later return date moving from it’s usual launch in April to a substantially later but undefined Summer window, meaning we’ll have to wait at least an extra 3 months before our return to Westeros.

The core reasoning behind this pushed back launch though, is an intriguing one. With the show having officially seen the arrival of the much touted ‘Winter’ in the very last episode of the excellent Season 6. Production start has been pushed back so that grimmer, greyer weather can be captured in the shows filming locations, as winter truly takes it’s hold over the fictional Westeros.

What do you think to the news of a shorter, grimmer season for season 7? Given the ever increasing production budgets afforded to the show we most certainly think this could be an exciting to see how the increased budget will be spent across 7 episodes instead of 10. Especially given the epic feats achieved in episodes such as Battle Of The Bastards in season 6. Let us know your thoughts on the delay, and how you feel winter may change the show, in the comments!

Ben Corbett-Mills | @benleopards

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