DC’s Suicide Squad movie in 2016 may star Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy, Will Smith and Margot Robbie

After yesterday’s colossal unveiling of all their superhero movies up until 2020 it’s quite surprising to find even more news being unveiled by DC and Warner Bros, and what interesting news it is. After yesterday’s surprise casting news of Ezra Miller as the DC cinematic universes Flash as well as confirmation at long last that Jason Momoa will also be taking up the role of Aquaman, now it seems there’s some substantially higher profile actors being eyed up for DC’s Suicide Squad movie.

According to sources from the Hollywood Reporter 4 actors are being eyed up to take up major roles in the Suicide Squad movie, and whilst the movie universe’s version of the team is as of yet unknown, rumours suggest that it will consist of Blockbuster, Multiplex, Mindblogger, Jaculi, Captain Boomerang, Vixen and Deadshot, with Deadshot said to be the leader of the team and the central character of the movie.

As mentioned by the source Warner Bros have already starting courting Will Smith, Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie for roles in the upcoming movie. Quite a veritable selection of top notch talent that’s for sure, will these actors take on the roles and which roles they would be are yet to be seen.

It’s very exciting to think that DC and Warner Bros are aiming to pull in some serious talent for their universes anti-hero team up movie. Especially so earlier on in the lifecycle of their shared cinematic universe. Do you think it’s a good idea to go for such high quality talent, or would unknowns be a better option? Who do you think these actors will play in the movie?

Via: IGN

Ben Corbett-Mills / @benleopards

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