Lacuna Passage First Look

We’re Stuck On Mars In Our Lacuna Passage First Look “What the hell am I doing here?”, I found myself asking after I’d made another day long round trip from my home, ‘Habitat Alpha’, in my continuing efforts to locate…

Knights And Bikes Preview at EGX Rezzed

Knights And Bikes Is Gorgeous, Heartfelt And Joyous I walked away from my Knights and Bikes play session at EGX Rezzed stiff and smiling. Smiling because the co-op adventure game from Foamsword studios is the gorgeous, heartfelt and joyous game…

The Town Of Light Preview at EGX Rezzed

The Town Of Light Brings Horror In History The go-to phrase employed to describe’s The Town Of Light is “a different kind of horror game”. While true, after getting my hands on the console build for the Italian development…

Phantom Halls Preview at EGX Rezzed

Procedural Side-Scrolling Comedy Horror Phantom Halls was released last month through Steam Greenlight. Making it one of the last indies of its pedigree to find an audience through Valve’s democratic ‘kickstarter’ analogue. The survival comedy-horror from Incendium Games is currently…

First Impressions: Killzone: Shadow Fall

Sony’s exclusive shooter steps into the light on the Playstation 4. Killzone: Shadow Fall is the first instalment of the series on the next generation console. Built by Sony owned Guerrilla Games, this playstation 4 launch title really is a…